Enlightenment Is a Necessity

Guru ~ A Necessity?

"The necessity of the living master can never be outdated by anything, anything ~ because when he's radiating through his flesh and bones only then it can be transmitted to the person who's in flesh and bones. You just catch it.

I can say reading thousands of books, listening to thousand satsangs, even that cannot be equated [to] sitting very deeply with me, very passively when I am doing my activities, when I am in action..."                
                                                                           Paramahamsa Nithyananda

I am posting a beautiful teaching by Paramahamsa Nithyananda expressing the need for a living, enlightened guru for a person's spiritual transformation.

It is called Living Around the Master and was delivered by Swamiji during the Inner Awakening & Life Bliss Engineering Programs in August, 2009 at the Bidadi ashram near Bengaluru, India.

No one can explain the necessity of the Guru better than Swamiji Himself!