I clicked on the youtube link to watch one of Swamij's Morning Messages and saw several that caught my eye, including
Practicing the Presence of God. I've been drawn to that topic and experienced real peace whenever I read those sorts of spiritual books. So even though there were other juicy topics, like
Super DNA and
Genetic Science, I chose this one.
As I listened to Swamiji I realized that what He was expressing about seeing everything even when His eyes are closed exactly matched an experience I had during my recent stay at Bidadi. You see, something very unusual happened to me there one morning when I walked up to the ashram temple. Maybe some would call it a mystical experience. I just call it 'a knowing'.
The morning session of Nithya Yoga was over and I decided to go to the temple in the hope of sitting with Swamiji during Pancha Tapas. I walked up the road and as I got close, I could hear the Maha Mantra playing over the loud speakers. I left my sandals in the usual spot and just moved past the sign at the top of the road.
I looked over and saw my beloved Swamiji, sitting still, eyes closed ~ resting in samadhi. Then it happened. Even though the physical form of Nithyananda was over to my left in the fire circle, where I could see Him with my physical eyes, I could 'feel' Him everywhere all at once.
Even though the eyes of physical Nithyananda were closed, I knew without a doubt that Swamiji was (is) the Energy everywhere and inside me. He was palpable to me as that Energy. And I could somehow tell that He was aware of EVERYTHING that was going on there ~ who was coming and going, what was happening ~ you name it, He KNEW it! And He seemed delighted. That's the word that came to my mind to describe His Energy in that moment.
Swamiji, the real Swamiji, was the Energy everywhere, His presence was everywhere. He was aware of everything, and to me it felt that He was just delighted to watch the show.
I can only say that it was/is a 'knowing' that happened inside me, a realization, even as I walked and watched all the goings on myself. (Without His 360 degree vision, though!) Maybe it was a glimpse of a different dimension, who knows. But, how ever this experience came to me, it was a precious gift and it was a very sweet, intimate blessing.
I guess calling it 'very sweet' may seem trite to some but I don't know how else to describe it. In many of my internal experiences of Swamiji, it is very clear, very subtle, very loving, very natural, very blessed and very sweet.
When I watched His message tonight, I knew from my own direct experience that what He said is true. 'He observes. He observes everything even though He sits with closed eyes.'
When He says He sees, He sees! When He says He knows, He knows! And when He says 'I am with you', He is not just uttering a few words of consolation. It is the truth!
And so we can celebrate!
When He guides us to practice His presence all the twenty four hours of our days, it is because it is possible to experience Him in that way. He IS the Energy everywhere, beyond all time and space. He is not just in His body and not just at the ashram. If we take up His instruction sincerely no matter where or who we are, at some point we will merge with Him, the real Nithyananda. Swamiji's physical body may be one place but He IS with us, wherever we may be. (Certainly so many of us experienced that during the months of the scandal when physically He was away from us. And throughout the World Tour in 2009 He was continuously reminding us in darshan, 'I am with you', perhaps as a way to prepare us for what was to come!)
This is not some impractical technique. Nithyananda is the
most practical being I've ever met and He has never led me in the wrong direction. Swamiji only gives us guidance that is truth and for our transformation and enlightenment. If He says practicing the presence of the Master is the only way, then it is. If we really want to radiate enlightenment, then this is how to go about it.
He lives with us so that
we can learn to live with Him!
Swamiji blessed me with this experience. Because it is private, I had mixed feelings about ever sharing it publicly but when I listened to His message I felt compelled to do it. I am sharing it in case someone doubts or denies the power of His compassionate instruction to us, or wonders how it is possible. It
is possible.
When I am in the energy field at the ashram or temples I experience it. I am lifted to a state of intensity, joy, awareness, tremendous confidence and productivity ~ all facets of the one pure diamond. But it is not always like that for me when I am at home and that is the problem. Once again, He is giving me the solution.
My sense is that He is asking us to actually
become the energy field of the Master by
imbibing the Master. We can achieve this by
doing what He says to do instead of just
listening to what He says to do. (I'm talking to myself here!) Not just by imagining it in our minds but by physically raising our energetic frequencies through this process of living with Him.
I can say that my life going forward really depends upon me taking up this practice wholeheartedly. When Swamiji says, 'You are enlightened' I experience that. But I've seen that my body and mind are not able to 'hold' it, to radiate it continuously.
I wonder, 'Have I really been devoted? How much have I been 'on the path'? Is my sincerity really sincere? Is my urge really urgent?' I ask these questions with compassion but also with as much ruthless honesty as I can generate. I guess the answer is in my life and my experience. Somehow I have been holding back. At some level I must be giving lip service without living it completely. I experience the gap. There is some hypocrisy.
It's like the saint who said that it is the lazy person who worries. At first I didn't get it but then I realized that if one isn't vigilant with unclutching, being aware, practicing the presence, then the old mental patterns will just persist. If we are lazy, nothing improves and everything gets worse.
And so for me, it is time. Time to dive as fully into this practice as I possibly can. Take the next step and the next and be guided by Swamiji, here within me and everywhere around me. Let whatever lower experience I have with Him be burnt away. Let my hypocritical thoughts and actions be ironed out. Let me experience in every moment what I realized on that morning. Let me relax into His presence and rise into His frequency with every breath, every movement, every awareness, every moment.
Let me take His message and His blessing to heart and live it.